Tuesday, December 15, 2009

my blog hates me

My blog won't let me post my story. I e-mailed it!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


1. Do you feel the future of journalism is with sites like Twitter (or blogs) or will print journalism continue to be a prominent source of news?
2. Do you feel it is easy to blur the line of ethics in journalism?
3. How would you define ethics for journalists? Is it easy to come up with a concrete definition of a certain establishment or should it be relatively personal?
4. Do you think it is an important experience for a journalist to travel?
5.What is your main goal as a journalist? Why did you enter this field if it is potentially dangerous?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

document proposal

My document story is going to be on the issuance of fighting tickets. Previously, I did a story on the fighting ordinance passed by Pullman city council. However, not many tickets have been given out. I wanted to do a follow up about why tickets are not being handed out if there are still a number of fights. I requested the number of fighting tickets around the College Hill area and two individual tickets. I received a letter a week and a half later telling me I need to come to the station to clarify. I hope that the documents are available in time to write my article.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009



Maurice Clemmons, the suspect in the Lakewood police shooting, was shot and killed this morning by Seattle police officer during a check of a stolen car. The alleged get away driver was also taken into custody by Pierce County officers and police also arrested four other people for suspicion of aiding Clemmons. This story is the second major police shooting in the last month.

Starcia Ague, a WSU senior, received the Governor’s Spirit of Youth Award. Her story is interesting because she spent a lot of her adolescent life incarcerated in a juvenile detention center for crimes like kidnapping. Now, she is a criminal justice major in WSU.


Butch T. Cougar: Facebook Friend or Foe?

Butch the Cougar has more than 4,000 friends on Facebook.

The WSU mascot’s Facebook page was created in 2004, but campus rumors claim Butch is not who he says he is.

Supposedly, Butch the Cougar is not the school mascot but is the Facebook page for the police department. Allegedly, it is used to bust parties and watch for both underage drinking and drug use.

“The police rumor has a partial truth that has somehow seemed to grow way out of proportion,” one of the alumni Butch T. Cougar Facebook updaters said. “The student who created the profile at the time had a college job at Cougar Security, part of WSU's Police Department. His role allowed for up close pictures from the field during games that made the early profile pictures.”

However, the connection to both the WSU Police Department and Pullman Police Department ended with the creator.

Andrew Blanchette, a WSU student and Police intern, heard about the Butch theories but has never used Facebook for any of his internship duties.

“I have heard Butch the Cougar is the police or University Student Conduct. However, I have never heard that from an intern, officer or at either station,” Blanchette said. “I think it’s realistic, but most officers are too already busy with reports and other paperwork than to be on Facebook trying to hack onto peoples private settings.”

The Butch T. Cougar Facebook site confirmed that there is no connection to any disciplinary committee.

“At no point in time has any law enforcement agency, nor Student Conduct, asked for or will given access to the Butch profile. At no point in time has there been a request to obtain information from others via the Butch profile,” he said.

The question he said people should ask themselves is this: if Butch really was the police department why would he be friends with both current students and alumni?

The student created the profile after discussing with a friend from another university about the lack of a WSU mascot on the site, he said. It is meant to be both informational and a fan page.

Presently the site is used to keep the university community updated on the current Butch’s activities, especially during basketball and football season, he said.

Three WSU alums answer the Facebook messages and update the profile regularly, he said. The current Butch the Cougar posts the status updates and is linked to his official Twitter site, he said. His identity will not be revealed until the end of basketball season, he said.

WSU Athletics is also partnered with the site.

“Two members of WSU Athletics maintain status updates via Twitter and the more recent profile pictures,” he said.

Even with the popularity of Butch’s Facebook, some students still believe that it is tool used by the police department.

Andrew Blanchette thinks that police monitoring of Facebook is a legitimate concern, he said.

“I have heard that Pullman looks on Facebook, for underage drinking I’m assuming, but I’m not entirely sure,” he said.

Shane Reynolds, a WSU junior, uses Facebook on a daily basis but is not friends with Butch, he said. He heard Butch was secretly the police from a few friends, Reynolds said.

The alum responder said the rumors do somewhat impact the mascot’s site.

"Currently Facebook caps friends at 5,000 contacts, which includes fan pages, hence not an even 5,000 friends for Butch, and the current backlog as of today 2916 friend requests. Does it have an impact, yes, but it allows for more individuals to be friends at the end of the day,” he said.

He still believes that Butch’s Facebook page has merit. Over the years there have been a number of copycats, he said. People respond well to Butch on Facebook despite the rumors, he said.

“Of course, there will always be some conspiracy theorists,” he said.

Butch T. Cougar Facebook Page


Andrew Blanchette

Shane Reynolds

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Trend story one sentence

Pullman's nuisance ordinance is still a focus for police because of the large amount of litter from parties on College Hill and officers are attempting to better educate the community on how to properly follow the ordinance.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Vigilante justice is not justice
Abortion doctor’s killer was not acting out God’s will
Chris Johnson
The Daily Evergreen
Published: 11/13/2009
This is an opinion piece published in the Daily Evergreen. It discusses the idea of vigilante justice in relation to the murder of Dr. George Tiller. Although it is opinion, I thought the article was interesting. It involves my beat in both the crime and safety areas. I was just curious as to how people would respond. Do people in Pullman believe that it is right to take the law into their own hands? Is this particular murder justified?


The wind storms in the Seattle area caused a number of problems for residents Monday. In Pierce county, power was out for two hours. Flood warnings have also been issued. The power outages and other weather related incidents may also cause traffic backups. In relation to Pullman, a number of students will be traveling home to the Seattle area for Thanksgiving break.